Friday, February 12, 2016

Annotated Bibliography

Pinder, Patrice Juliet, and Edith L. Blackwell. "The “Black Girl Turn” in Research on Gender, Race, and Science Education: Toward Exploring and Understanding the Early Experiences of Black Females in Science, a Literature Review." Journal of African American Studies 18.1 (2014): 63-71. Web.
            This article is based upon a research study. It is accredited for there were multiple experiments done and it provides the statistical data to prove it. The article was created to provide a study specifically highlights black girls. This is because often times they are overlooked or underrepresented in normal studies. I use one of the quotes to help emphasize the importance of parenting.

Cook, Daniella Ann, and Tiffany Williams. "Expanding Intersectionality: Fictive Kinship Networks as Supports for the Educational Aspirations of Black Women." Western Journal of Black Studies 39.2 (2015): 157. Web.

Jay, M.L., Packer-Williams, C.L., & Jackson, T.O. (2010). Are we change agents or pawns? Reflecting on the experiences of three African American junior faculty. In C.C. Robinson & P. Clardy (Eds.), Tedious journeys: Auto ethnography by women of color in academe (pp. 97-118). New York: Peter Lang.

Tate, W. F. (1994). From Inner City to Ivory Tower Does My Voice Matter in the Academy?. Urban Education, 29(3), 245-269

The author of this article, shares the identity of an intelligent black woman. She is from a southern Christian household. This article highlights inequality within education. It explains that in order to effectively challenge inequality one must analyze a person’s social identity and be able to contrast it to that of others (Cook). It also describes the concept of the ‘Critical Race Theory’. According to Tate, this theory is, “a multi-epistemological tool and as an analytical tool is informed by three suppositions” (Tate 246). These suppositions suggest that in the United States, race is a significant factor in inequality, property is valued over human rights, and understanding oppression in America derives from analyzing race and property (Tate 247).

Direct Quote:
 “As Jay, Packer-Williams and Jackson (2010) observe, ‘Given the relative push to diversify the academy, institutions seem to be diligently attempting to increase their numbers of faculty of color without attending to the hostile environments we are invited to enter’” (p. 103).
In institutions they try to ‘fix’ racism by simply creating an illusion of color in power so that people will think there is equality. Though in reality, this does not correct the issue it is just a cover up.

Kennedy, Joy L. "The HBCU Experience: Liberating Or Not?" The Urban Review 44.3 (2012): 358-77. Web
Often times when discussing the subject of an intelligent black woman they are associated with attending an HBCU. This is because HBCU’s are intended to cultivate young black women. Though these schools do provide insight that many predominantly white institutions overlook there is still an equality gap between intelligent black women and intelligent black men. Black women are still faced with discrimination even amongst their own. According to Kennedy, even at HBCUs, “the African American woman’s voice is usually relegated to the margins within social and academic framework” (1). This illustrates that women are treated as less than men. For example, at my university our Black Student Union, which is a combination of a social and academic based organization, is ran by the men. Woman were only permitted to run of lower level positions such as secretary and treasurer. 

Ngwe, Job Elom, and O. Oko Elechi. "Human Trafficking: The Modern Day Slavery of the 21st Century." African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies : AJCJS 6.1/2 (2012): 103-19. Web.

            This article makes a comparison between slavery during the 1800s to slavery during the 21st century. Though African-Americans today are not legal slaves , we are enslaved to other things. Nqwe states, "Unfortunately, human trafficking appears to have replaced this abhorrent activity as the modern day slavery of the 21st century” (1). Human trafficking is one example. It is just as degrading as human smuggling yet it occurs and there is not great outrage over it. Black woman are a large target for human traffickers. Furthermore, African-Americans, even the intelligent women, enslave themselves mentally. They allow white prejudice to effect their lifestyle. Unfortunately, as a result they settle for their poor treatment since it is an upgrade from not even being considered a full human.

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